Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance Use Disorders (UTC)

Initiative code 3200

The Basic Level UTC consists of eight courses that cover the broad spectrum of addiction treatment. The content and methodology of the UTC training series is designed to ensure that addiction practitioners develop a balanced perspective of the principles relating to both the science and art of addiction treatment. Each course is intended to enhance the knowledge, skills and competencies of addiction professionals, as well as promote evidence-based practice for the enhancement of service delivery and treatment outcomes. Moreover, each course underwent the rigorous process of reviews to ensure the outstanding quality of content, as well as identify and address existing gaps prior to its application by training.

Prerequisite for Participation:

  • Training of Trainers (ToT): a) More than 5 years of experience in the field of treating individuals with substance use disorders; b) Over 2 years of experience in adult training/education; c) Availability and willingness to train others (replicas); d) Bachelor's or technical degree; Postgraduate, specialization/training (optional); e) Letter of intent to participate in the training replicas; f) Endorsement letter from the institution to which they belong, to participate in the training; g) Letter of intent to participate in the training replicas of UTC to treatment teams in the country.
  • Implementers: a) Professional, technical, or non-professional currently working in a substance use disorder treatment program or recovery support services; b) Availability and willingness to implement what has been learned; c) Endorsement letter from the institution they belong to, to participate in the training.
Accomplishments to Date

In Latin America and the Caribbean:

• 19 UTC trainings

• 443 national trainers

• 257 treatment service professionals trained

Project Activities
  1. Training of Trainers (ToT) – Face-to-face: 35 participants. Consider two cycles of face-to-face training, each lasting 6 days. Include teach-back exercises (simulations).
  2. Training of Trainers (ToT) – Virtual: 35 participants. Consider 31 synchronous sessions, twice a week. Include teach-back exercises (simulations).
  3. Training of Trainers (ToT) – Hybrid: 35 participants. Consider two cycles of face-to-face training, each lasting 5 days, along with 10 synchronous sessions, twice a week. Include teach-back exercises (simulations).
  4. Implementers – Face-to-face: 35 participants. Consider 20.5 days of training, distributed in 10 weeks (equivalent to 2 training days per week).
  5. Implementers – Virtual: 35 participants. Considers 50 synchronous sessions, twice a week.
  6. Implementers – Self-led: Self-paced courses available on a platform, individually, in a self-directed mode.
  7. Implementers – Hybrid: 35 participants. Consider 12 days of face-to-face training, distributed in 6 weeks (2 days per week), along with 19 synchronous sessions and 2 courses in self-led mode.
Global Level Outcomes
  • Strengthening local capacities so that countries can establish continuous training processes.
  • Increasing the number of trainers, both national and international, with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct UTC course training processes.
  • Strengthening substance use treatment teams' capacities to provide higher quality, evidence-based interventions.
  • Strengthening a global network of drug treatment professionals.
  • Professionalization and certification of the treatment workforce.
  • Contributing to the implementation of the WHO/UNODC International Treatment Standards in coalition countries.
National Level Outcomes
  • Strengthening local capacities to enable countries to establish continuous training processes.
  • Increasing the training of national trainer groups with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct UTC course training processes.
  • Enhancing the therapeutic competencies of teams working in treatment services.
  • Contributing to improving the quality of care for individuals with substance use disorders treated in the country's treatment services.
  • Local universities incorporating UTC into their study curriculums.

Current Participating Countries: Costa Rica

Interested Countries: Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay.

Contributing Countries: Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Guatemala, and El Salvador.


Rodrigo Portilla, Project Manager- Manager-Latin America and Caribbean Training Dissemination, rodrigo [dot] portilla [at] colombo-plan [dot] org (rodrigo[dot]portilla[at]colombo-plan[dot]org)

Current State Participants
Costa Rica